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Samvaidna Services

We at Samvaidna provide guidance, counseling, and therapy for problems ranging from simple childhood and adult problems, occupational guidance to marital conflicts along with a wide range of psychological problems. Diagnostic and personality, ability, intelligence etc. testing facilities are also available. Services of Samvaidna are available in various parts of India via its organizational network. Samvaidna also has a phone and e-mail help line and we attend to distress calls and reply to e-mails.

Child Psychodiagonistics And Therapy

1. Mental Retardation
2. Learning Disorders:
(a) Reading disorder
(b) Mathematics disorder
(c) Disorders of Written Expression
3. Motor Skills Disorders: Developmental Coordination
4. Expressive Language
5. Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder
6. Phonological
7. Stuttering And Communication Disorder
8. Pervasive Developmental Disorders
(a) Rett’s disorder
(b) Childhood disintegrative disorder
(c) Asperger’s disorder Attention-Deficit / hyperactivity Disorders
9. Disruptive Behavior Disorder:
(a) Oppositional Defiant Disorder
(b) Conduct Disorders
10.Feeding And Eating Disorders
(a) Pica
(b) Rumination Disorder And Feeding Disorder
11. Separation Anxiety Disorder
12. Selective Mutism
13. Reactive Attachment Disorder
14. Stereotypic Movement Disorder
15. Mood Disorders
16. Schizophrenia With Childhood Onset

Deviant Behavior Problems And School Problems

Numerous behavior problems arise in daily life. The term ‘behavior problem’ is used to designate a deviation in behavior from the one expected or approved by the group. Problem behavior is that behavior which makes life difficult and unsatisfactory for the child and his parents. In general, the behavior problems appear as thumb-sucking, nail biting, bed-wetting, masturbation, aggression, destructions, jealousy, temper tantrums, fighting, stealing, selfishness, abnormal fears, use of bad language, truancy and eating too little or exorbitantly.
Behavior problems originate in interaction of a host of factors. A behavior problem is the child’s way of gaining satisfaction or of avoiding annoyance. Therefore it is logical, rational and even necessary in his way of thinking. He resorts to problem behavior to satisfy the desire for which he knows no other method. Therefore, such normal problems of children should not be misinterpreted by parents as abnormal. However to resolve such problems of the child adequate guidance and counseling is required by professional counselors. With counseling the child can transform his life into a series of joyous activities with rich meaning, abiding faith and lasting contentment.​

​Disorders Of Personality Trait And Pattern

a) Anxious personality
(b) Compulsive
(c) Hysterical
(d) Overly dependent personality
(f) Overtly independent personality
(g) Overtly inhibited personality
(h) Isolated personality (Schizoid personality
(i) Mistrustful personality (Paranoid personality
(j) Tension discharge disorder (Antisocial personality
(a) Impulse ridden personality
(b) Neurotic personality disorder
(k) Socio-syntonic personality disorder (Dissocial reactions)
(l) Sexual deviation

Marital Counseling And Therapy

Marital therapy is a form of psychotherapy designed to psychologically modify the interaction of two people who are in conflict with each other over one parameter or a variety of parameters – social, emotional, sexual, economic.  In marital therapy a trained person establishes a therapeutic contact with the patient-couple and, through definite types of communications, attempts to alleviate the disturbance, to reverse or change maladaptive patterns of behavior, and to encourage personality growth and development. Marriage therapy emphasizes restructuring the interaction between couples, sometimes exploring the psychodynamics of each partner.
In marriage counseling only a particular familial conflict is discussed. Marriage counseling is primarily task oriented, geared to solving a specific problem, such as child rearing.
Both therapy and counseling stress helping the marital partners cope effectively with their problems.
The therapeutic techniques applied depending on problem area are: Individual therapy, Individual marital therapy, Conjoint therapy, Four-Way session, Group psychotherapy and combined therapy.


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